November meeting minutes
People for peace meeting
Present: marci, jane, pat reckrey, sandy, steve, bonni, mary brandt.
I. treasurer’s report: pat reports that we have $957.84, with $648 being earned at the mrea/wnpj/p4p pancakes for peace breakfast last june…bonni said that we need to add $427 from oil sales, so our total is actually $1384.84. At this point, we have sold enough oil and cous cous to break even, (earned $364.50 at arts festival in august) and from this point on any sales are pure profit. More on this later…
all agreed to renew membership to wnpj. Pat to send check.
II. oil and cous cous sales plans: arts center, chocolate sale at Jensen center; Christmas presents for our relatives??? At this point, the plans for oil sales include:
a. sale at the
b. any leftover will be sold at the
c. and finally the oil and cous cous will continue to be sold at the chez.
d. We debated whether or not we should order more, but decided to wait and see. All agreed that the best thing is to sell it all. Will do the sale again next spring/summer.
e. If anyone wants to buy oil for gifts they better hurry up before it is all gone!!!
III. vigil news? This is happening the 3rd Friday of every month and has been attended. Gather at
a. kari is organizing string players who will do a singalong carol thing
b. the date is December 13, from 2-3:00, and from
c. Mr./ Biba has an entire lineup of students
d. Bonni is making cookies.
f. Marci will put a little blurb in the paper, we don’t want to advertise too much cuz we don’t have room for too many more people than the families and usual crowd!!! Article will state that this is an open house atmosphere, and that we request a $5 donation.
g. Marci will emcee
h. Proceeds will be split between the food pantry and the bread basket meal.
V. Report on the youth that were to go to the nonviolence conference this weekend? In the end, the youth that were set up to go by betty manion could not go. However we received a letter from a woman in
VI. Rummage sale storage??? Folks that absolutely need storage of items for the rummage sale can call Jane Haasch for information. We discussed donating the stuff leftover from the sale this year to the Japanese exchange program group who'll also be having a fundraising rummage in '09. Their sale is in June. If anyone has stuff that they need to store out of their house, contact Jane.
VII. Peace day: sandy will get the park reserved Jan 2 so we don’t miss out this year! She will also call tom pease about playing again. She will choose the date that does not conflict with the arts festival. We will not know about the Japanese kids til late spring, so pointless to try and coincide the dates. However, if they are not here for peace day, they will likely be here for the festival.
VIII. All agreed that we should skip the December meeting, and make a point of reviewing the causes we support at our January meeting. We have a very stable sum of money now, with our regular events and fundraising,m and it is nice to be able to choose certain orgs and events etc…that promote peace in the world and locally. It has been suggested that we offer some sort of family conflict resolution class in conjunction with the county…we will look in to this. ***we need to determine if we should change our meeting to the 1st, second or 4th Thursday, marci has a conflict with the 3rd…
IX. Marci suggested that we create a p4p brochure that states our mission, meeting dates, regular events and causes we support to be distributed around town. She will work on this. Jane suggested that we set aside money for a future speaker and sited as an example arun ghandi. !!!
X. Marci listed p4 events that occur annually, and all remarked at how nice it is that we do have this cyclical schedule of public events:
Spring: rummage sale
Mrea pancakes for peace breakfast (june)
Annual scholarship (may)
The fair trade sale at the arts festival in august
Peace day (august)
The holiday concert in December at the chez
The oil sales
The road cleanup (2x per year)
The monthly vigils for peace
And the peace café, which we propose we hold in jan or feb 2009.
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