Tuesday, August 07, 2007

July Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes

People for peace

July 19, 2007 at the Chez

Present: Austin, Maggie, Larry, Pat, Sandy, Trisha, Pat Hill, Marci, Jane, Kate

1. treasurer's report: we made $500 at the barn dance. Made $510 so far on the mailing. Total in account is $3250.

2. follow up on barn dance: see above. We split proceeds this year with the Petersons, who need a new roof on their barn. Thanks Peterson’s for allowing us to raise funds every year!!!

3. peace day planning:

a. lantern supplies and setup: Jane and Kate will get from Megan’s basement and bring to park and
set up.

b. peace doves: Cham has them. Marci will check to see if they can be at the park.

c. tom pease: sound...songs...program...any ideas for kids groups? Larry suggested having John Gusmer present a small speech about international exchange. We should honor John and Rotary because of their involvement with exchange, this is a gandhian principal in peacemaking. Larry and or Sandy will pursue this. Also Jane has invited the FVTC Carribean and Central American students. Larry will invite the mayor again to introduce John Gusmer. Sandy will invite Tom Link, who is the scholarship recipient. Maggie Laven will read a poem, and so will Pat Reckrey. Music by Tom, Marci will help. We will also have a moment of silence for the soldiers who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan in recent years, including the recent death of the Manawa person, and also a moment of silence for the Iraqis killed.

d. article in paper: Pat Reckrey will do and submit.

e. banners???No word yet from Megan, but will follow up

f. to eat or not to eat? picnic? treats? All agreed that who ever wants to can picnic before activities start.

g. membership table and sales of t-shirts etc... Steve agreed to man this table

h. possibility of drumming with bill kehl (remote)...$? Bill can’t do it this year.

i. peace biker t-shirts??? Unclear information…needs follow-up.

j. other??? Fliers: Larry will do again. Needs info, so we will get him the information needed. Larry suggested an ad in the paper and Pat will look into the pricing.

4. women to women trip planning

a. facilitator for retreat and plans for retreat: Marci presented info on Bonnie
Block, former admin of WNPJ who does workshops and also has an interest and expertise in the middle east and is affiliated with some groups in Madison that are working on pro-palestinian and peace issues. All agreed that we should hire her for the 200-400 dollars she charges. We wil intersperse ideas throughout the retreat like sharing recipes, a craft, walks in woods, yoga…

b. coordinating host families: the following have expressed an interest in hosting: Craigs, Marci and Fran, Kate, and Pease’s.

c. update on fences schedule and coordinating that with the guests: Kate reported that things are getting very organized. Info on the W2W trip is posted on the library website. The women will speak at the library Oct 23 at a public forum and at the hs wed at 1pm oct 24. She needs a title for their program which will go in the library ads. Marci will get this to her.

d. committee to do further planning and report back to group in august??? Those interested include Marci, Sandy, Pat R, Pat Hill, Jane, Trisha, and kate.

5. further fundraising opportunities: peace wreaths and olive oil??? Pat Reckrey agreed to help Marci with the wreath sales in terms of keeping the money straight and all agreed we should do this fundraiser, we made over $1000 last year. Also Marci brought info on sales of olive oil from Palestine as a fundraiser/awareness campaign that would also support the Palestinians in that some of the money goes to help them plant new olive groves. Larry volunteered to buy 10 bottles himself. Trisha offered to sell it at a table at the arts fest August 18. Marci will see if we can get a shipment by then. A case is $180 for 12 1000ml bottles. We can mark them up a bit. All agreed we will order 5 cases to start.

6. nonprofit status: Cham not here.

7. kevin's movie viewing this fall: "the iron wall" Kate needs to view this before it can be part of the Fences program. Marci will remind Kevin.

8. status on membership letter: any responses yet??? Good response. All reminded to send their own in too! Many checks written out tonight!

9. other Rotary also needs the name of the program for October, Marci will get this to Sandy.

Peace vigil this Saturday am at 10:00.

Chez booked for peace café in October during the W2W trip.


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