Waupaca People for Peace Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2007
The treasurer’s report –total: $740.14
Scholarship: Flyers are needed to distribute at WHS in March at the PFP information table. Marci Reynolds and/or Pat Reckrey need to take care of this item.
GARAGE SALE: This fundraiser will be held on Thursday, May 10 (8am-4 pm), Friday, May 11(8 am -3 pm) & Saturday, May 12 (8 am-3 pm) at Sandy Testin’s home; Lake Street, Waupaca. Phone 258-7510. Workers are also needed on Wednesday, May 9 @ 6:30 PM to price the rummage sale items.
Please call Sandy Testin to let her know which of the hours you are able to work!
PFP members are asked to start collecting items to sell. Suggested items: books, furniture, knick knack, house wares, toys and vintage clothing. We will also be selling plants and baked goods. Let Megan Karth or Sandy Testin know if you are bringing anything of special interest or great value so that it can be included in the Rummage sale ad.
Items for the sale can be brought to Testin’s garage on Tuesday, May 8 after 6 pm.
Tables are needed for displaying sale items. Steve and Kate committed to bring 1 large table each. More tables will be needed for displaying sale items, let Sandy know if you have tables available.
MREA Breakfast fundraiser: Friday June, 15 from 6:30am-10:30 am At the MREA grounds in Custer, WI. This year PFP will get 50% of the profits from the breakfast. We also plan to sell our T-shirts, CD’s, etc as we did last year. The breakfast will be advertised as a Peace event this year. We need camp stoves; electric griddles/frying pans. PFP is also looking for any donated items: fruit, eggs, dry ingredients, etc.
Bonni Miller asks that volunteers stop by Chez Marche by Friday, Feb. 23 to sign up to volunteer for times and tasks for this event. Cooks, servers, runners, etc are needed to staff the breakfast. One volunteer is needed to arrive at the Chez on June 15 by 5:30 am to help pre-cook items to be brought to the site. Volunteers are also needed on Wednesday June 6th @ 8:30 am and Saturday, June 9 @3 pm to mix dry ingredients for the pancakes.
One or two people with trucks are needed to haul grills and ingredients to the MREA on Thursday evening, June 13.
Women to Women for Peace visit is October 22-26, Kate Saunders contacted the Winchester Academy, they could be interested, however the group thought that since Monday is the group’s travel day, that Monday evening should be a light social gathering (potluck at Testins’?) to meet the women and transport them to their host homes. Bonni Miller will check for availability of the Waupaca Library’s large meeting rooms for Tuesday October 23 from 5-8pm for a public program followed by a social gathering, either at the library or at Chez Marche. Contacts are underway to have the women speak at the high school on Tuesday. Wed., Oct 24/Thurs., Oct 25 are scheduled for workshops at Artha studios in Amherst.
PEACE DAY Sandy Testin has reserved the pavilion at South Park for Sunday August 5, 2007 for our annual Peace Day celebration.
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