Meeting minutes for April
APRIL 26, 2007
TREASURER’S REPORT: no change since last month…$740.14
Sandy passed around signup list for people to sign up to work.
1. sale is thurs may 10 8am-4pm, fri may 11 8am-3pm and sat may 12 8am-3pm, with clean up from 3-4pm sat.
2. set up on wed night at sandy’s house
3. sandy will get change
4. megan karth will place ad in buyer’s guide
5. pat hill will bring signs and plants, and saw horses for tables, megan will bring doors, marci will bring card tables.
6. we will have bake sale sat am only
7. marci will write info article for county post
8. we can bring over big items as early as tues eve
NON PROFIT STATUS REPORT: Cham not here, deferred til next meeting
PANCAKES AT THE MREA: UPDATE AND SIGN UP: list passed around again. Todd reported on the giant Lion’s club pancake cooker which we all agreed we should rent. Pat Reckrey will check with WNPJ to see if they want to split the rental fee. We will also need to provide propane tank and transport the cooker to and from the mrea in a big truck. Marci or larry will provide truck. Bonni said that eggs can be cooked on camp stoves.
PEACE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS: 3 applications so far. All were read and comments made. Pat Reckrey took the vote. There may be one more application. Will await review of this application before final decision made. All decided that Larry Craig should present the award.
W2W TRIP IN OCT 2007 UPDATE: not much new except that the British ladies have purchased their airline tix. Unsure about the status of the Middle eastern ladies and their visas.
HIGHWAY CLEANUP: cleanup date set: Saturday May 19 after the peace vigil, ie 11am. Meet at the square.
PEACE VIGILS ON SATURDAYS: every third Saturday am from 10-11. all encouraged to join in. There have been ads in the paper.
FOLLOW-UP ON SPEAKERS? No-one here to address this, so it must be on hold for next fall.
STRAWBERRYFEST? All agreed that since MREA is on same weekend we will not spend our energy here. Steve G. still wants to have a table in front of the Chez, and he can if he wishes to.
Membership letter: Sandy shared her draft of a membership letter. All approved, she will do the mailing and let Pat R. know the cost of postage. She will use Pease’s mailing list. If she gets the letter done before the next meeting we can help her with the addressing and stuffing at our next meeting.
Peace Day Banners: we can get a large banner to post about peace day, all agreed that if cost reasonable we should do this. (who was going to do this???)
Film opportunity: Kevin mentioned that he saw a film on Jimmy Carter’s Website called “The Iron Wall” that costs just $10. It was recommended by Jimmy, about the effect of the wall in Palestine. He will purchase it and we will view it and possibly show in the community in conjunction or preparation for the W2W visit next fall.
An Inconvenient Truth will be shown at Library courtesy of Jane Haasch on May 16 at 6pm.
Austin Gauer contacted several teachers about the W2W visit and them speaking at the school. He will approach Ms. Schultz, Mr. Phair and Ms. Simonson again as well as the principal. He has talked to Mr. Young and Polo. Polo was receptive so far. Good job Austin! See below…
Kate Saunders arrived late and stated that the public library is planning an exhibit next fall (Sept 15-Oct 27) called Between Fences, from the Smithsonian. They wish to involve various community groups. This includes involving the schools. She will be meeting with the high school Tuesday, and will follow up on Austin’s work above. The last week of the exhibit will be when our W2W visitors are here, so all agreed that they should speak at the library either Wed or Thurs night of that week. Kate will check on which night works best. Very exciting!
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