April Meeting Minutes
Submitted by Sandy Testin
People for Peace: Notes from the April 17 Meeting:
1. Rummage Sale - last year we raised over $1000 with this fairly painless fundraiser!
We will hold our sale on Thursday thru Sat AM, May 8 - 10
8 AM to 4 PM on Thurs and Fri
8 AM til noon on Sat
218 E Lake Street (Sandy Testin and Charlie Rathjen's home)
Set up - time to deliver your stuff and help price - will be Wed, May 7 from 3 til 6 PM
No Bake sale this year
We will have a plant sale - Pat will again share from her gardens.
If you have plants you can share please bring - these were a huge hit last year!
Tables: If you have long tables, let Sandy know.
Pat (long), Kate (long), Marci (card size)
Advertising: Marci will do an article for the May 2nd paper, the funds will go towards our scholarships.
***We are hoping that each of us could call one neighbor or friend and ask if they have goodies to offer for the garage sale and then pick them up and bring them on Wed afternoon during set up.
Pat will bring signs,
We need workers - if you can share 2 to 4 hours, please call Sandy (258-7510)
So Far we have:
Thurs: Pat and Kate 7:30 - 12
Fri: Marci
Need someone with a big van or truck on Sat at 12:30 to take anything left to Goodwill.
2. HWY E Garbage pickup- was last Sunday - hope some of you were able to make it!
3. Scholarship update: notices have gone out to area schools and newspapers.
Applications are due May 1st.
We will read essays and make choices during Rummage sale so drop by to read and place your vote when you can.
We decided this year to offer 2 $500 scholarships
Pat or Kate will announce winners
4. MREA pancake breakfast: Friday June 20
A sign-up list went around.
Marci will send an email to all the students who signed up at our People for Peace table at the HS and offer them a free day pass to energy fair in return for helping out in the AM
We are in need of a coordinator for this event: call Sandy (258-7510) or Marci (258-0709) if you can help with this.
5. Report from High School Visit:
Steve and Larry went to the HS to share information about PFP and our scholarship.
They gave out 20 essay forms!
Also gave out some t-shirts
Felt students were very receptive
6. Arts Festival: We will be setting up a fair trade table with olive oil and coffee at the Arts Fair in August.
Tricia has volunteered to staff this.
Marci will order the oil - Larry wants a whole case.
7. Peace Banner
Needs mending: Sandy will mend.
8. Peace Vigils - Sandy will call Mary Naylor and see if/when they are happening right now.
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