Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May meeting minutes

Submitted by Pat Reckrey

We have $1088.73 and have just netted an additional $1531.86 from the rummage sale at Sandy’s –which was a big success.Thanks, Sandy.... We decided to offer two peace scholarships this year for $750 each as we had advertised the rummage sale as for the Peace Scholarships. Pat will present them to two students from Waupaca who were chosen through votes by members at the May 29th Awards Presentation. She will also contact Bob Cloud about publishing one of the essays.
Much discussion on the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair and the pancake breakfast that we are sponsoring Friday, June 20th on the grounds
Any interested helpers are still urged to sign up with Camomille Nucz. We’ll meet on June 17th tat 2:00 p.m. at the Chez to mix up try ingredients to be used for the batter. Ingredients are not being donated to us this year, so if you have any contacts for donations, contact Cam.
Cam explained health recommendations to be followed during the prep and serving of food. She will oversee the operations so they are met.
PEACE VIGILS again were brought to the table by Megan. We decided to try to gather May 23 ( 4th FRIDAY) from 5:30-6:00 at the Square. It’s hard to find convenient times/dates, but we hope that 4th FRIDAY time will work. Try to join us Square.
We agreed to have PEACE DAY on a weekday in early August when the Japanese kids and chaperones are here . (The weekend dates were already filled at South Park) Sandy will check on dates. We hope Tom Pease will join us.
It looks like we’ll have a 4th of July "event" at the Parade. Red, white and blue hybrid cars in formation with the Louise/Marcie majorette combo. Maybe a sign that says PEACE THROUGH CONSERVING ENERGY. Jane, Cam, and Megan driving....
There will be a booth at the Arts Festival selling olive oil, t-shirts, and other PFP stuff. Tricia was interested in doing that.
We thought a meeting yearly to discuss causes we might like to support would be a good idea. There are so many places where our few dollars might go to help people working for peace (ie. Bustan, Palestinian causes....)
NO MEETING ON JUNE 19TH Because of MREA involvement.


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