Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March Meeting Minutes

Waupaca People for Peace
Meeting minutes 3/22/07
Present: Marci, Pat Reckrey, Larry Craig, Austin G., Maggie and friend GaryDassow, Pat Hill, Bonni (cooking) Cham Ramlow, Todd Mallasch, Megan Karth.

Treasurer’s report: per Pat Reckrey, we currently have $740.14 in our account.
Rummage sale update: reviewed dates and plans for sale at Sandy Testin’s house:
a. May 10, 10-4; 11 10-3; and 12 10-3.
b. Set up will be Wed may 9
c. Need tables
d. Pat hill working on plants/seedlings; if anyone has small plastic pots she could use them.
e. All encouraged to bring baked goods
f. Sandy discourages clothing unless it is special ie vintage
g. Do not drop things off earlier than wed please
h. If anyone is unsure of when they signed up to work, call sandy. We will review the worker list at our next meeting.
Some post-meeting thoughts: are we putting an article in the paper about the sale? And posting of signs? Things to discuss at next meeting…also, sandy please bring the sign up list.

non-profit status: We were denied to set up an account under the Waupaca Foundation. Cham will proceed with the process and have some more info at our next meeting.
pancakes at the mrea: cham sent around the sign up list and most signed up for various shifts. This event will be held the Friday of the Energy Fair (June 15) and we will split the proceed s with WNPJ. Per cham, all ingredients will be donated. We are in need of dry ingredients to donate. Bonni will purchase what else is needed, and she has estimated an amount for this, we will write her a check at the next meeting.
Discussed cookstoves and griddles. Todd Mallasch pointed out that griddles draw a lot of electricity, and we discussed asking around to either the Lions or the “pancake man” to see about borrowing their giant pancake cookers. Todd and Maggie will each investigate these possibilities.
We will be mixing the dry ingredients together at the Chez on Saturday June 9. All welcome to come and help.
peace scholarship: Pat Reckrey sent in an article to area newspapers and fliers to the high schools. Larry and Marci will go to Waupaca High School and set up an info table during lunch on Tuesday April 3 at 1115. Maggie may also attend. They will have fliers about the scholarship at the table.
update on W2W trip: Marci reported that the airline tix from Baltimore to Appleton appear less expensive so it looks as though our fundraising plans should suffice.
Summary of fundraising events: rummage sale in May, MREA Pancake Breakfast in June, Barn dance and silent auction in July, letter-writing/membership drive soon. (Sandy has a letter she will bring to next meeting) Also, Strawberry fest table to sell our items. *We need to use $500 out of our current balance for the scholarship. So we are sort of starting at square one.
As to who is coming, Marci reported that we should know next week as the Brit women are meeting this weekend to decide.
Austin reported that he talked to Mr. Phair about the women speaking at the high school but thinks that he will need to talk to some other teachers. Suggested Mr. Polebetski. All agreed that the women should speak at the school, and Maggie thought we should approach other schools in the area as well. She will contact Weyauwega.
Marci shared 2 documents recently sent by Ruth Davies, from W2W, who goes regularly to the West Bank, and is coming to the US next fall. She will forward these 2 documents to p4p members. They provide a lot of talking points about Palestine as well as her own recent diary of her trip there, which answers the question “why are we doing this exchange program?”
Will continue to update on plans at next meeting.
next highway cleanup scheduled by Kevin to be Saturday April 28. Kevin will bring more details to next meeting which is the Thursday before this date.
Mary Naylor is holding peace vigils the 3rd Saturday am of the month on the courthouse square. These are at 10am. Megan suggested that we make some cardboard doves to hold. She will get the pattern to us.
earth day speaker Sunday april 29…?_____________________
april 22 “An Inconvenient Truth” will be shown at the Methodist church. Time?_________
our next meeting will be another off-meeting night meeting, on Thursday april 26. thanks everyone for switching the dates! (Marci)
Maggie suggested that Larry be a speaker for the Wild Rose, Weyauwega and Wautoma high schools. She will try to set this up.



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