Thursday, February 08, 2007

January meeting minutes



PRESENT: Kate Saunders, Larry Craig, Bonni Miller, Trish Henneman, PD Hill, Marci Reynolds, Steve G., Austin Gauer, and Adam (Trish’s son)

  1. Treasurer’s report: Pat not here. Kate reports that there is $790.14 in the account. We authorized her to write a check to WNPJ for $50 to renew our membership.
  2. Details to pull off Rummage Sale at Sandy’s house this spring:
    1. need date. Sandy will let us know what works for her. Most like the date May 17-18. Will see if this works for Sandy.
    2. We voted and majority think the sale should be 2 days.
    3. PD Hill will start plants early so that it can be a super plant sale.
    4. Will do bake sale and have lemonade as well
    5. We need really good stuff!!! No stained clothing or junk. Use this as an opportunity to lighten your load, minimize!
    6. Need list of who will work
    7. When can we bring things to Sandy’s house?

We will work on this again at next meeting.

  1. Upcoming Scholarship: Marci talked to Pat Reckrey who could not be here tonight. She is willing to send the letter out to the schools again, by March this year. We will also need a letter in the paper, Pat usually does this as well.
  2. Peace Recruitment at High School: Larry will contact the school about dates that we can set up table again. Will hand out peace sh\cholarship info again and maybe cookies. Will try to be set up on days army is there.
  3. Presentation from Sexual Assault Victim Services (CAP services) rep: She left early due to snow, but will come back to our next meeting. Marci shared some literature that she left. They are looking for volunteers.
  4. MREA Pancake Breakfast: Discussed doing this again this summer. We did make a few hundred dollars last year selling t-shirts, CD’s and buttons. Bonni will be in charge of the food and we will again need volunteers. It will be Sunday morning, June 17. (yes that is fathers’ day) Bonni will ask WNPJ if we can have a percentage of the profit this year since we are all working at the event.
  5. Upcoming Women to Women for Peace visit in October 2007: See separate notes on discussion about agenda for the trip. We also discussed fundraising for this event. Currently we have enough $ for our scholarship, and will need to raise about $2000-3000 to cover the expenses of the event. Upcoming fundraising events include:
    1. rummage sale……….$800?
    2. Strawberryfest………$120
    3. MREA breakfast……$300
    4. Barn Dance………….$500-800 (more, ie $400 if we do silent auction!!!)
    5. Another peace café, in April? Tentative….$??
    6. We will need to do a funds appeal. Marci volunteered to write up an official description of our group and send it to the Waupaca Foundation so that they can receive funds for us. This way we do not need to register as a 501c3 organization. She has checked with Jack Rhodes on this. Will need to list officers. Marci volunteered to be listed as president, Pat as Treasurer and Bonni as Secretary. All agreed. Doing this will allow us to write a grant or do other public appeals for $$$ for the event in October.


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